Residential Solar
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What is the difference between Off Grid and Grid Tie?
On-grid or grid-tie solar systems are the most common and widely used by homes and businesses due to the low installation cost. These systems don't have batteries. They use either solar inverters or micro-inverters which are connected to the grid. Any excess solar power that you generate is exported to the grid. You generally get paid an export tariff for the energy you export (usually around 8c per kwh). When you need more power than the solar is generating then the grid steps in and tops it up (at a cost of around 30c per kwh).
An off-grid system is not connected to the grid and therefore requires battery storage. Off-grid solar systems must be designed appropriately so that they will generate enough power throughout the year. They must have enough battery capacity to meet your home’s requirements, even in the depths of winter when there is less sunlight. The high cost of batteries and off-grid inverters means off-grid systems are much more expensive than on-grid systems. They are most often required in more remote areas. However, battery costs are reducing rapidly so there is now a growing market for off-grid solar battery systems everywhere.
What is a Solar Hybrid system?
A Hybrid solar system is a combination of both grid-tied and off-grid systems. This is our preferred system for many reasons. Hybrid solar power systems have battery storage but are not entirely off-grid. They keep the grid connection there for backup. For example, when there has been a few days of bad weather and the solar isn't producing enough, the batteries are getting low then the grid will kick in and run instead of a generator.
Having this backup means the costs is lower than a full off grid system, as it is not solely reliant on battery storage.
Will I have back up power?
As we touched on before, off grid systems need a generator for a backup where as hybrid systems can use the grid as a backup.
Here at MEDA we have designed our own software to take your solar to the next level. Think of it as the brain for your solar system and home, making decisions and diverting power to the right places at the right times.
Using a system like this means you can make better use of your power, think turning the hot water cylinder on when there is solar power, and off when solar generation is low. Sending excess solar power to heat a pool or spa instead of sending it back to the grid for next to no return! Plus so much more.
With a clean user interface so you can easily see what is going on wherever you are.
By having SMART MEDA your system becomes more efficient, and it is not uncommon have a $0.00 power bill.
Why do you only use Lithium batteries?
Here at MEDA we only use high quality products because we believe in providing long lasting systems.
Lithium batteries are much more efficient (nearly 100%) meaning for every kilowatt you put into storage, you get one kilowatt out. They can be discharged to nearly 100%, compared to 50% for lead acid. This means you don't need as large of a battery bank. Lithium batteries are about 1/3rd of the weight, they look more appealing. Best of all they have a long life span of 10-20 years (or more if looked after) compared to 3-5 years with lead acid.
How much does solar cost?
This is dependent on the type and size of the system installed, anywhere from $5k to $100k. We will be able to help you figure out your needs and also depending on your budget can work with you to get the best outcome possible.
Get in touch to get a free quote now.
How will we know what size system we need?
We can help you calculate what size you will need based off your current usage which we can see on your monthly power bills and completing a site visit. If you aren't connected to the grid we can send you out our load calculator sheet which will help us see your exact usage.
Get in touch today to book a free, no obligation quote.